Friday, July 6, 2018

Web Applications Is More Efficient then Other Apps!

The web application or web app is a type of software that is accessed through a Web browser. Most Web apps do not require any installation on the computer or handled device. The software typically runs on a remote computer connected to the internet or network. The computer requires a Web browser and an internet connection to use the Web apps. The user can visit the specific website and use the required Web app. Many Web apps are available free of cost whereas some require a fee to use.

The use of the Web-based software is growing rapidly. Many business software services are offered as SaaS like scheduling, customer service, accounting, project management system etc. These applications require a subscription fee per user per month. The companies that deliver SaaS are called application service providers (ASPs).

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Web apps are an example of cloud computing. They also are known as Software as a Service (SaaS) or Cloudware. Some popular Web apps include Hotmail, Google Docs, OneDrive and ThinkFree Online.


Ø  Web app can be accessed from any PC with the Web browser and an internet connection.
Ø  Some Web apps can also be accessed via a mobile phone and other mobile devices.
Ø  The data is usually stored on Web apps website and can be accessed from anywhere.
Ø  Web apps are always up to date and the user does not have to install updates.
Ø  Web apps do not require local storage spaces.


Ø  Web apps may become slow then applications stored on the local hard drive.
Ø  Web applications typically have fewer features then applications installed locally.
Ø  Many Web applications put a limit on the file of the size of the documents.
Ø  The user cannot be accessed on the Web app and stored data if the server goes down or if there is no internet access.
Ø  The data may be more vulnerable to exposure or loss because it is out of user control.

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