Saturday, May 26, 2018

Just Three Directions Of Computer Development:

One of the first computer, the outcome of military-related research, was delivered to the U.S Army. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculation) weight minimum 30 tons and the height was 80 feet long and two stories, but it could multiply a pair of numbers in the then-remarkable time of three-thousandths of a second. This was the first programmable electronic computer, the grandparent of today light-weighted handheld machine use.

Since the days of ENIAC, computers have been developed in just three directions—and are the continuing to do so.

·         Miniaturization:

Everything has become smaller. ENIAC old fashioned radio-style vacuum tubes gave way to the smaller, faster, more reliable transistor. A transistor is a smaller device used as a gateway for electrical signals along predetermined paths.
The next step was the development of tiny integrated circuits. Integrated circuits are whole accumulations of electrical circuits or pathways that are presently scratched on small squares (chips) of silicon a large portion of the extent of your thumbnail. Silicon is a characteristic component found in a sand. The sand in unadulterated shape, it is the based material for PC handling gadgets.
The miniaturized the processor, or microchip, in an individual PC's today can perform estimations that once required a PC filling a whole room.

·        Speed:

Thanks to miniaturization, computer makers can cram more hardware components into their machines, providing faster processing speed and more data storage capacity.

·        Affordability:

Processor costs today are only a function of what they were 15 years ago. A state-of-the-art processor costing less than 1000$ provides the same processing power as a huge 1980s computer costing more than 1$ million.

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