Friday, June 8, 2018

Few Factors that Affecting By Processing Speed!

The important factors that affect that processing speed of a computer are as follows:

·        Register:

The register is a small, high-speed memory inside the CPU. CPU that contains a number of registers. Registers store data and instructions while the CPU processes them. The size of the registers determines the amount of data with which the computer can work the one time. It is also called the world size. The size of registers is in bytes. A register can be of one, two, four, or eight bytes. Computer with 32-bit registers means the CPU can process the four bytes of data at one time. A bigger size of register increases the performance of the computer.

·        RAM:

The amount of RAM directly affects the processing speed of the computer. The bigger amount of RAM means that more program instructions and data can be stored in memory. If a computer does not have enough memory to run a program, it must move data between RAM and the hard disks. This process is called swapping that can greatly slow a computer performance.

·        System Clock:

The system clock is an electronic component. It generates electric signals at a fast speed. It controls all functions of the computer using clock ticks. These ticks of system clock are known as the clock cycle and set the speed of the CPU. The speed at which the CPU executes instructions is called clock speed or speed rate.

·        Buses:

A bus is a path between the components of a computer. Data and instructions travel along these paths. The bus which determines how many bits can be transmitted between the CPU and others devices. Bus width the also affects the performance of the computer. A higher bus width means that the bus can carry more data. It increases the performance of the computer.

·        Cache Memory:

A cache is a very high-speed memory that holds the most recent data and instructions that have been loaded by the CPU. It is designed to speed up the transfer data and instructions Cache is located directly on the CPU or between the CPU and RAM. It is the faster than the RAM.

The data and instructions are retrieved from RAM when CPU uses them for the first time. A duplicate of that data or instructions is put away in the store. Whenever the CPU requires that data or instructions, it first looks in store. On the off chance that the required information is in finding here, then the first time pick that data and instructions from the cache memory instead of the RAM. It speeds up the working CPU. The memory of cache memory has a tremendous impact on the computer speed.

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