Sunday, April 29, 2018

How Do I Send Files Using FTP?

When you upload a file, you transfer it from your computer to an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server on the internet. Most FTP servers will not let just anyone upload files—you will typically need a user ID and password in order a upload a file. Check with your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to see if it provides an FTP server and folders where you can upload files.IT Expert Provide Useful Information.

1: Using FTP software enter the address of the FTP server.
2: Click the OK Button to connect the server.
3: Select the files that you want to upload from your computer.
4: Select the folder into which you want to put the file on the FTP server.
5: Click the Button to upload the file from your computer to the FTP server.
6: Your FTP software keeps you updated on the progress of the upload.
7: When the upload is completed, the files is displayed in the directory of the FTP server.

Most Cases:
You will use an FTP server as a halfway point in the process of transferring a file to another person. After you upload a file this other person will be able to download it from the FTP server. You should send an e-mail containing the name and location of the file to the person who is supposed to download it.

Limited on FTP Server:

Space is Usually limited on FTP servers. After the file has been successfully uploaded and downloaded, either you or the file recipient should delete the file from the FTP server. TO do so, use your FTP program to locate the file on the server, then click the Delete button located on the far right side of the WS_FTP Window.

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